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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Manic Monday with Mico

Mondays perse are always toxic, thus there is that so called monday sickness. Now add to that the Crhistmas rush, the long lines at counters and even at MRT!!! I felt poofed out, drained. It was a monday i simply wanted to scream and then sleep.

Then Mico comes to the rescue. We have been exchanging text messages, he said I need to relax, to unwind. He was the elixir. I ended up screaming from the pleasure of his cock and I got my sound sleep after his devout fucking twice!! What a way to start the week.


  1. hi bert!

    Mico here. It's been a while. Let's hook up again?!

    Post your number here

  2. just for you.. 09157730600
    my email is

  3. just for you.. 09157730600
    my email is

  4. any hook ups that you can invite? just one
