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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Abrakadabra .. now you see now you dont

Monday the 13th December of 2010. That is almost two weeks ago, no entries since then. I might have lost my mojo, lost my muse, I was unable to post anything new really. In my blog, I have reserved the episodes of the past weekend but the last two postings were just pics, although I do remember the stories behind them. Anyway the pics would juggled my mind, and I remember Carl not wanting a picture, hence the hand to stop the camera.

What gives? I guess it was because Dan mentioned that he was robbed and I just braved my sunday to go out and help him. Then, that monday, we were together again. I think I was late the following day in the office. There was the hunger ... and the fear. You see, he wanted me to be exclusive to him and yet was I ready for a commitment? Was he ready for a commitment?

We had a talk, a kowloon dinner, and then made love. Ooops, did I say love not sex? Love it may be, I know not the future. I stressed out, if a person loves someone, one should accept him for what he is, not to impose changes. And so, I continued but subconsciously lost it... thus no new draft at all. Anyway, now that Christmas is over, happiness should not be dependent on one person, who might not even be sincere, just full of promises. And so ... I reaffirm myself.. ENJOY LIFE. Enjoy whatever moments of happiness it offers.

Happy Holidays!!!

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